Libraries from all markets using BrowZine

Libraries use BrowZine to provide a visual display of their journals and make it easier for users to read and browse articles on any device.

Use BrowZine as your main point of journal access by integrating with popular discovery services and including durable links to subject areas and unique titles. You’ll get users to journals in fewer clicks, minimize the frustration/confusion users experience when presented with a list with multiple sources, and increase journal usage.

Below are features librarians and users like in particular:

  • Articles in Press - immediate access to articles accepted for publication but not assigned a journal volume or issue yet.
  • Personalization - use My Bookshelf to follow and receive alert notifications for favorite journals; use My Articles to save articles to read and reference later.
  • ILL/Link Resolver Integration - customized ILL / Link Resolver Integration available.
  • BrowZine A-Z - ingestion of all holdings with an ISSN / eISSN for inclusion in BrowZine results.
  • Automatic Updating of Holdings - work with Third Iron to set-up monthly automatic updating of holdings.

Are you interested in a seeing examples of how libraries are using BrowZine to better promote use of their journals and meet the needs of a diverse range of users?

Contact Ashley Brizuela at or 800-843-8482, ext. 2805 to request a demo webinar, quote, or trial of BrowZine.