Need to Track your ILL Transactions? Check out OBILLSK

OBILLSK, Online Based Inter-Library Loan Statistical Kit, created by Texas Tech University Libraries, is the first library developed method to track interlibrary loan transactions between libraries within a consortium. It is a shipment tracking system that provides a single web based portal for inputting, tracking and assessing all ILL shipments for a given Interlibrary loan unit regardless of shipper chosen.

The OBILLSK Shipment Tracking system can help libraries save thousands of dollars a year in lost book fees and provides the following features:

  • Single web page for scanning all ILL shipped items using existing barcode scanners
  • Track ILL shipments across all major shippers: USPS, FEDEX, DHL, UPS
  • Unpack a shipped box to determine all contained items
  • Dashboard that offers an at a glance overview of ILL shipping
  • Generate detailed shipping reports within a specified date range
  • Send email notifications to other OBILLSK shipping users that items are on the way

For more information, contact Susie Thompson at or 800-843-8482, ext. 2880.