Candidates for election to the Amigos Board of Directors

The Amigos Library Services Nominating Committee has announced the slate of candidates for election in May to the Amigos Library Services Board of Directors. Candidate and voting information will be sent to the designated Voting Representatives of Amigos member institutions as part of an upcoming Call to Meeting.

Amigos Nominating Committee Chair, John Walsh, Cochise College (AZ), reported the slate of candidates which includes the following:

Candidates for Board of Directors (Librarian) – three to be elected for a three-year term

  • Dr. Lea Briggs, Library Director, Northwest Missouri State University
  • Ms. Tracey Mendoza, Dean of Libraries, University of the Incarnate Word (TX)
  • Ms. Mary Moroney, Executive Director, Eastern Oklahoma District Library System

Candidate for Board of Directors (Independent) – one to be elected for a three-year term

  • Ms. Kathleen Luther, Executive Director, Seminary Support, Concordia Seminary (MO)

Walsh expressed his thank to members of the Nominating Committee: Kristin Cunningham, Okmulgee Public Library (OK); Greg Ludwig, Joe Barnhart-Bee County Library (TX), and Trisha Mooney, Amigos Staff Liaison.
