Call for Proposals - Like the Ceiling Can’t Hold Us: Sharing Innovations in Libraries

Are you an innovator? Are you taking challenges head on and adapting? Are you establishing, retooling, or redefining programs and initiatives in your organization? Are you creating new services or content and delivering in new and unique ways? We want to hear from you.

Join us on September 23, 2020 for "Like the Ceiling Can’t Hold Us: Sharing Innovations in Libraries"

Share your innovations in reference, technology & content. This Amigos Library Services online conference will explore ways that library organizations and library professionals are innovating services, programs and content in the face of adversity and constant change.

Amigos Library Services is now accepting presentation proposals for this conference. Suggested topic areas include but are not limited to:

  • Establishing or growing a new service
  • Innovating workflows in all types of libraries
  • Creating new partnerships or programs
  • Using new tools and technologies to strengthen or deliver services
  • Innovations in library design or function

Tell us your story and share what registrants can expect to learn from your presentation. In addition to full technical support during your live presentation, Amigos will provide platform orientation/training and an individual practice session prior to the conference. All sessions are 45 minutes with time for questions and answers.

For more information about this conference, contact Erin Gray, or 972-340-2896.