Over 80 Libraries Choose SimplyE and Amigos!

We are closing in on 100 SimplyE libraries hosted by Amigos!

We are hearing wonderful things from libraries that had SimplyE up and running in March and April. Their patrons were able to peruse ebook and audiobook collections with a single search, making it easier to find interesting titles. These libraries are seeing that patrons are finding titles that do not normally circulate, resulting in more titles being discovered and read. This is a win for libraries and patrons, a win for ebook and audiobook platform vendors, and a win for authors!

Having said that, there is better news coming. As an open source app, functionality in SimplyE is developed as it is needed and as programming resources are available. There are 2 major pieces of functionality coming this summer that many have been waiting for: Overdrive audiobooks and an Android upgrade.

We have been in discussions with Overdrive representatives for over a year and an agreement was finally signed a few months ago. Work is underway for Overdrive's audiobooks to be brought into the SimplyE app and is expected by the end of summer. We want a few libraries to test it before we open it up for everyone, so if you are interested, let us know at simplye@amigos.org.

The second important piece is an upgrade for the Android app. Since last July, the Android app has not been stable. The most current Android version (10) is preferred, but many patrons cannot upgrade because they are locked in by their telecommunications providers (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile). One patch was implemented last fall, with little success. Another patch is in the works; we hope to see this one within another month. It will not fix everything but will help those with versions 8 and 9. By the end of summer, we expect the patch that should fix it for everyone. Coming with this last patch will be an upgraded reader for ebooks with more accessibility options.

Interested? Contact us at simplye@amigos.org.
