Nominations are now open!

Submit nominations for OCLC Global Council Delegates and Americas Regional Council Executive Committee Officers by December 10, 2010.

OCLC members throughout the Americas are invited to participate in the nominations process for the election of delegates from the OCLC Americas Regional Council (ARC) to serve on the OCLC cooperative’s Global Council. The Americas Regional Council Executive and Nominating committees are seeking nominations for Global Council delegates from staff of OCLC member organizations (including libraries, archives and museums) in Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the United States. The councils are also soliciting nominations for two officers and four Members-at-Large on the Americas Regional Council Executive Committee.

Each member organization in the Americas Region will have one vote per qualifying member institution. If you (or your organization’s director) have not already done so, please update the contact information of the person who will vote on behalf of your library.

You (or your library’s director) will need your OCLC symbol to update your organization’s voting contact information. You will also need your OCLC symbol to submit your nomination.

Submit your nominations to OCLC by December 10, 2010 at
