Trans-Amigos Express/TExpress to Launch Barcode-based Tracking System

Amigos is pleased to announce the launch of a new barcode-based tracking system for participating Trans-Amigos Express/TExpress courier service libraries. The system, to be implemented at no extra cost to courier service participants, is scheduled for an October 2011 launch. The container-based system, in which unique individual barcode labels will be attached to each of the purple nylon transit bags now used by the Trans-Amigos Express/TExpress program, should significantly improve the courier service with minimal impact to library personnel and operations.

Once the tracking system is fully operational, it will allow libraries to follow shipments as they enter and move through the courier service. Participants will be able to see when a shipment has been delivered, how many packages are still in transit, and if shipments are late in reaching destinations. Shipments will be scanned at pick-up, at hub locations, and at delivery, allowing the system to track the number of packages in transit, evaluate turnaround time, and minimize losses.

Later this month, participating Trans-Amigos Express/TExpress libraries will be sent sheets of peel-and-stick barcode labels to attach to all purple nylon bags they currently hold. Specific bag tagging instructions will be included and will also be posted to the courier service page on the Amigos website. Items not shipped in nylon bags will need to have barcodes attached to them for one-time use. Specific tagging instructions for non-bagged items will also be posted to the courier service page on the Amigos website.

Certain institutions will be selected within the next two weeks to participate in an upcoming pilot project to test the system and submit feedback that will help Amigos refine the program. As Amigos moves forward with implementation, Trans-Amigos Express Coordinator Erica Owusu invites all questions to be directed to her at 1-800-843-8482, ext. 2827, or