AmigosNow Articles

Happy Holidays From PrivCo

The PrivCo Team and I are wishing you a very happy and healthy holiday season. I'm hoping that you are able to spend time with loved ones, even if it is in a more physically distanced fashion this year. I'm very much looking forward to 2021.

Registration Open for Moving On: Migrating Library Content and Data

"This link worked yesterday – why doesn't it work now?" "Will all of our local MARC fields migrate when we change catalogs?" When it comes to integrated library systems and electronic resources platforms, the one constant is change. Whether it's migrating all your MARC records to a new catalog system or updating URLs when an e-book vendor changes their platform, most library staff members encounter a migration at least once in their career. These processes can be daunting, but they don’t have to be scary.

Website Accessibility for Everyone

Websites are considered accessible when all visitors — regardless of physical or developmental abilities or impairments — are able to access the presented information. Web accessibility is a broad term that refers to a series of international standards that define web site usability and how web sites can be usable to all visitors.
