AmigosNow Articles

Attend IGI Global’s February Symposium

Encourage your faculty and interested staff to attend IGI’s February symposium, "Customer-Centric Marketing Strategies: Making the Best Business." The February 28 symposium will introduce and discuss the innovative concept of Customer Knowledge Management (CKM), addressing the theoretical constructs of CKM and a conceptual framework regarding its impact on the marketing performance of organizations.

Copyright Clearance Center Offers Informational Webinar and Video

From course management systems to e-reserves, technology and changes to copyright law are affecting the way faculty, staff, and students share information. Copyright Clearance Center’s March 7 webinar offers a quick but in-depth look at important concerns surrounding the use of copyright-protected content within an academic environment.

Applying for an NEH PAG: March 11 Know & Go Session

Each spring the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) offers grants to libraries and museums to support preservation of their collections. The Preservation Assistance Grant (PAG) provides up to $6,000 and can be used for site surveys, preservation training, emergency preparedness training, digital preservation training, and preservation supplies. May 1, 2013 is the deadline to apply for a grant that can provide 2014 funds for your preservation programs.
