Know & Go: How to Spot Predatory Publishers

Scheduled Dates
Course Details
Course Description

The open access publishing movement has introduced librarians and researchers to a world of previously inaccessible information. However, we have seen the rise of predatory publishers and conferences who exploit and capitalize on the pressure of publishing and presenting to meet tenure and research requirements. Publishing in a predatory journal or presenting at a predatory conference may have unintended consequences. In this Know & Go session, we'll discuss predatory publishers and conferences; their impact on the publishing industry, research, and libraries; and how to help faculty, students, and your colleagues spot a predatory journal or conference.

Learning objectives for this session include
  • Explain the problem of predatory publishers/conferences and how they can impact researchers
  • Assess the legitimacy of a potential publisher and conference
  • Collaborate with the research community on how to avoid problems with predatory publishers
Session Information
Session Duration: 
This course consists of a 1-hour session.
Contact Hours: