AmigosNow Articles

Thanks for Attending "Amigos Member Conference 2022: Building the New Library Team" - Recording Registration is Open

Thanks to all who presented at, attended, or registered for last week's Amigos Member Conference 2022: Building the New Library Team, which took place May 11, 2022! We had a great day of sessions and discussions starting with the informative Member Business Meeting, which included an opening keynote provided by St. Louis County Library (SLCL) Director and CEO, Kristen Sorth and SLCL Employee Relations Coordinator, Tarza Tawfiq.

Save the date! “Materials on the Move” is September 8, 2022

Courier and delivery. Shared remote storage. Floating collections. Redesigned resource sharing. The delivery and distribution of library materials continues to evolve as libraries maximize service and efficiency for users. Finding scalable solutions for storage and sharing of physical library resources requires rethinking collection development, and reciprocal agreements, and long-term planning. This Amigos Library Services online conference will explore changes and trends in delivery, courier services, distribution, and storage of library materials.
