AmigosNow Articles

Amigos Hosts Audio Visual Preservation Online Conference

As it is with most things, age is not kind to audio visual media. Not only that, but many of the machines that play them have or will become obsolete. How libraries preserve these materials and provide access to them was the theme of the online conference "Fast-Forward >> The Future of Audio Visual Materials," hosted by the Amigos Imaging & Preservation Service (IPS) Friday, September 7.

Viewpoint from the Chair - September 2012

Prior to the first Amigos Board of Directors meeting of each new fiscal year, Amigos' senior management brings in newly elected Directors for a daylong Amigos orientation. We had no new Directors this year, as those Directors whose terms had expired were all re-elected to new terms. However, under the terms of the merger agreement with the Missouri Library Network (MLNC), which called for former MLNC members to have a role in the governance of the merged organization, two former MLNC Directors were in attendance. Liz MacDonald, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO, and Steve Potter, Mid-Continent Public Library System, Independence, MO, will attend Amigos Board meetings this year as nonvoting representatives. Liz and Steve as well as individuals from former MLNC member institutions that are now Amigos Members will be eligible for nomination to the Amigos Board next spring.
