Conference News

Early Bird Pricing Ends Today! Register Now for Driving Library Change

Early bird pricing ends TODAY for all those non-members who want to register for Driving Library Change with User Experience Design. During the December 8th online conference, all types of information organizations will show how they have used UX design principles to enhance and improve their patrons’ overall experiences when using the library.

Don’t Miss Driving Library Change with User Experience Design Online Conference – Register Now!

Would you like to hear about an academic library's undertaking of a user-centered iterative and agile space redesign, through small yet thoughtful and impactful solutions? How, with the release of a major update to the software, LibGuides 2, Texas A&M took the opportunity to refocus the LibGuides program using a service design model and an emphasis on UX principles? Or learn how the Brooks Library used a variety of usability testing methods to take their search box from super complicated to super simple?

We want you! Calling for proposals for February online conference on Library Spaces

The physical spaces of libraries have evolved tremendously in recent years. While some libraries exist in small spaces (existing in one small room), others have the space to have children’s, senior, teen, and even new adult spaces. The interpretations of how a library responds to patrons’ needs within their physical spaces varies to a nearly infinite degree.
