Understanding Website Accessibility

Websites are accessible when all visitors — regardless of abilities or impairments — can access the presented information. The broad term web accessibility refers to a series of international standards that define website usability. Understand the fundamentals of web accessibility and the regulations, laws, and standards surrounding accessibility design. Utilize tools and technologies for better design and best practices for content development.

Strategic Communication Planning for Libraries

Effective communications are vital for the success of libraries. Since most libraries have limited staff and financial capacity for communications efforts, it is critical to deploy these resources as strategically as possible. The concepts and skills covered in this course will help libraries approach communications in a way that builds commitment to their organization’s mission, strategic initiatives and outreach activities.

Event Planning 101

Whether a conference, awards gala, or fundraising dinner, event planning can be a monumental task. However, setting goals and planning well in advance are keys to pulling off a successful event. Uncover the roles and mindset of the event planner and the planning process, everything from event management to budgeting, evaluation, and how to be prepared for when things go wrong.

Creating a Social Media Policy

Does your library have a social media policy that explains how your library uses social media, provide parameters for staff use of social media at work, and how to respond to positive and negative comments from the public? Take the first step toward a stronger, safer online presence, with this course, you will learn how to mitigate your library's social media with the development of a robust social media policy that can align social media practices with your library's mission.

Graphic Design for Librarians

Whether it is creating flyers, posters, social media graphics, or even designing the library's website, graphic design skills are essential for librarians to effectively communicate their message. Learn graphic design's fundamental principles and elements, including color theory, typography, and layout. Explore how to use Canva to produce professional-looking print and electronic designs.

Copyright 101: Helping Patrons Understand Copyright

Librarians come in contact with copyright laws in a variety of ways in their work. Whether it is a student wanting to make copies, an instructor wanting to show a a film in class, or a small business owner wanting to use content for marketing materials, our work and our patrons present us with a myriad of copyright-related dilemmas. In this course, we will start with a brief overview of the history of American copyright law and then discuss how copyright law effects our work as information professionals.

The Usable and Accessible Library Space

A primary goal for librarians is to connect people with the information that they need. While librarians play a very large part in this process, we must not forget the role of library spaces. Libraries should be attractive, yes, but above all, they should be usable and accessible to all patrons. Develop the fundamentals for conducting a usability and accessibility audit for library spaces that will yield solutions for improving library layout, signage, and services, thus optimizing its usage.

Library Management: Managing from the Middle

Middle managers are the liaisons between their employees and library administrators. Managers can feel caught in the middle as they listen to and serve both sides. Successfully working with the administration while fostering a rapport with direct reports is a crucial driver of success. Managers will gain a foundation to successfully manage from the middle by formulating strategies to build relationships, establish workplace balance, gain senior management’s confidence, and avoid common mistakes.