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Amigos Members Turning to Award-Winning Products from ABC-CLIO Solutions

In increasing numbers, Amigos members are embracing an award-winning lineup of products from vendor partner ABC-CLIO Solutions as their popularity and use grow among students and faculty. Nearly two dozen Amigos members currently use ABC-CLIO Solutions products. One such member is Northwest Vista College Library in San Antonio, TX. Norma Vélez-Vendrell, Public Services Librarian at the library's Redbud Learning Center, noted their staff likes ABC-CLIO databases, especially the ERAS feature she says "is a great way to organize history so that students see a picture of what happened through the centuries."

IGI Global Offers Access to Article on a Free Internet

Should the internet be free? The New York Times reported last week that the Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 to open for public debate new rules meant to guarantee a free and open internet. The recent net neutrality debate is a result of the FCC proposal allowing internet service providers to set up "fast lanes" for websites to pay for quicker access to content.
